Molly Kate Brown (Mali)
Molly Kate Brown (Mali)
Award-Winning Author ~ Transformational Guide ~ Speaker ~ Integrative Nurse Practitioner

Molly Kate Brown is the award-winning author of Learning to Walk in India: A Love Story. She is the Wellness Columnist and Feature Writer for Guide to Spiritual Living Magazine, and has been featured on Thrive Global.

Molly is a transformational guide whose presence is a mirror for remembering the alchemical source within. For turning toward the ancient one who breathes you from the silent place and rests quietly and patiently in the knowing that all is already deeply well. That love is all there ever was and that the discomfort is there for the turning toward and transmuting into kindness.

Molly is the award-winning author of the true tale Learning to Walk in India: A Love Story, and an Integrative Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner who has been taking care of patients since 1997. She is the founder of Suniasol Integrative Mental Health. Sunia is a Sanskrit word that means “deep listening.”

She is happiest when she can hear the owl call from the still night, take in the twinkling stars, hear the ocean waves in their ever-quest of advance and retreat, hear raindrops on the roof, and bear witness to the palate-hues of the birth of dawn. Her greatest teacher is silence.


Molly is available for transformational guidance, individual or group retreat work, individual or group meditation guidance, speaking engagements, and expert wellness consultation.