Untitled at Daybreak
Untitled at Daybreak
by Mali (Molly Kate Brown)
Compost unfurls germination of seedlings
As embryo embeds itself in the warm wall of the womb
Darkness—the birthplace of light
Unity breeds duality
Only to find its eyes gazing in the mirror
In remembrance of itself through me
The patient light of Presence
Enters grief’s devastating contraction
As the sorrow of fetal position feeds the joy of flight
Night gives way to day and day to night
as the bardo of dusk and dawn
Reveal the simultaneous nature of neither and both
Every inhale the return of the infinite unto itself
Every exhale the entropy of existence
As we surf eternal waves of expansion and contraction
As heavy as six feet of dirt piled high on a wooden box
Light as the eternity escorting it
The dynamism of existence surrendering to the overwhelming stillness that birthed it all
Grief, Joy, Creation, Destruction, Stagnation, Change, Fear, or Feel
Totality far greater than the sum of its parts
As impact influences that over which there is no control